Change authentik logo/branding
A simple guide on how to change the logo / branding on a Authentik installation
Authentik by default uses the authentik logo while logging in and mentions authentik in the login screen too, Changing this can be done fairly easily and can improve the user experience.
Changing the text in the login screen
Go to admin interface > Flows and Stages > Flows
(/if/admin/#/flow/flows) and edit the default authentication flow with the edit button to change to text inside.
After this hit update and do it for the other one and that should be changed now.
Changing the icon
Changing the icons is a bit more involved it requires you to edit the docker-compose.yml
to mount the new images
volumes: - ./media:/media - ./custom-templates:/templates - ./branding/brand_icon.png:/web/dist/assets/icons/icon_left_brand.png # Add the brand icon in the ./branding folder next to your docker-compose - ./branding/favicon.ico:/web/dist/assets/icons/favicon.ico # Add the favicon
You can create a branding folder for example and put your branding images in there. Then you can restart Authentik and go to the admin interface > System > Brands
location and edit authentik-default and update the new logos to the following location in this example.
logo: /static/dist/assets/icons/icon_left_brand.png
favicon: /static/dist/assets/icons/icon.png
You can also change the title here to something else than Authentik
Bonus: Styling Authentik
volumes: - ./media:/media - ./custom-templates:/templates - ./branding/custom.css:/web/dist/custom.css
Create a branding/custom.css
file and add any custom css you want This authentik discussion has some more info on what css classes you can use and maybe a good starting point css file. After restarting authentik once the new css should be applied open dev tools to disable caching of http requests and you can edit the css file and you just have to reload for it to update.